Synchro-Sette v1 n9

Volume: 1
Issue: 9


  • This Month's Programs
    1K/2: Season’s Greetings, Mileage, Chainsaw, Frenzy. 16K: Inventory, Space Docking, Quote, Bulletin
  • History: The Birth of Computers
  • The Computer Tutor: Data Graphs
    PLOT and UNPLOT.
  • Printer Review
    Sinclair ZX Printer, Mindware MW-100.
  • Letters to the Editor
    Question about calculating odds; how to translate BASIC programs with READ, DATA, RESTORE; 8K ROM for ZX80 doesn’t give SLOW mode.
  • Editor Ramblings
    Mistakes in November 1982 issue. Sinclair pocket TV. US Spectrum sales. Printer news. RAM pack ribbon connector. Floppy disk for the TS/ZX. TRS-80 to ZX/TS. Supporting vendors swamped. Super Talker speech synthesizer. ZON X-81 synthesizer. Computer control devices from Thurnall Electronics.
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