Synchro-Sette v3 n6

Date: June 1984
Volume: 3
Issue: 6


Title Description Computers
The 1984 Consumer Electronics Show Color printer from Okidata, Okimate 10. New Commodore computers. Coleco Adam. Sinclair QL.
The Computer Tutor: TS 2068 Error Trapping Timex/Sinclair 2068
Editor Ramblings List of companies still actively supporting Timex/Sinclair computers.
Quantum Leap The Sinclair QL at the CES show. Sinclair QL
Olympic Theme Sound/graphics program in the spirit of the Los Angeles Olympics. Timex/Sinclair 2068
Letters to the Editor Question about software to convert 1000 programs to 2068. User has lost money to vendors who went out of business. Formula to figure out winning major league baseball teams.
Synchro-Sette v3 n6
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