Volume: 5
Issue: 6
Title | Description | Computers |
SWN Merger Announced | This is the last issue of SyncWare News that will be issued under that name. With this issue, we complete 5 years. We believe that we have performed a service for users of the Sinclair line of computers, and we believe that our readers have appreciated that service. For our part, we certainly appreciate your | |
For Your Support | ZEBRA SYSTEMS, INC., is currently offering Graphics Collection tapes for use with their TS2068 Graphics Designer Series programs: The Banner Designer, The Greeting Card Designer, and the Sign Designer. Each tape includes 30 graphics. Collection subjects include holidays, office, sports, and religion to name but a few. There are currently 12 collections available with more | |
From the Publisher's Desk | As many of you may already know, SyncWare News is published by four partners who are geographically spread out across continental North America. All of us, with the exception of Basil who is retired but very active in the Symphony, college, and civic matters, work full time jobs to support our families. Due to the | |
Random Access From Our Readers | One of our readers (whom I won’t identify) wrote to point out that I had omitted the letter “u” from “florescent” in one of our recent issues, Seemed to think that I might have left it out on purpose, to avoid running the risk of the common misspelling, “flourescent”. Sorry about that, but they’re two | Timex/Sinclair 1500, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
TYD BITS | Probably most of you have received notice of the bankruptcy of QUANTUM COMPUTING. Apparently, the notices were sent to everyone on the company’s customer list. I doubt that there is much hope of collecting anything from the company, as the notice listed unsecured debts as over $60,000, with total assets of $0.01 (that’s one cent). | |
NVM and the 2068 | Often while folks gather and talk about their computers I hear something like this, “Why don’t you try this” and the almost standard reply is “I didn’t know you could do it that way, thanks.” This article is the result of my being in that same boat and finding an answer by myself. Way back | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Share-Ware: The T/S Lifeline? | Software has always been a difficult commodity to market and distribute. Users want new software, they want support for their software purchases. What’s more, EVERY computer buff likes to build up a big library of programs. Most are never or rarely used, but there is a certain element of the pack rat in all of | |
Getting Started With Beta BASIC, Part 2 | Printer & DOS Routines In Part 1 (SWN Vol, 5 No. 5) of this intro to Beta Basic (BB) we looked at some of the editing and data-manipulation features which may be used on programs entered in T/S mode as well as those written in BB. This time let’s see how it may be adapted | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Basil's Compendium: "Painless" MC Development | This chapter will give you a look into “real life”, and will show you how to make a “rough draft” of your programs in BASIC. I always find it easier to debug my programs in BASIC before actually translating them into machine eode, as the results of an error are much less drastic in BASIC. | Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
The 'Old Gents' Flowcharter | Program for the T/S 2068 that will draw a flowchart of another program, which is loaded from tape. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
Dunnington Flowcharter | Program for the T/S 2068 that will draw a flowchart of another program, which is loaded from tape. | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
National Landmark Quiz | Mr. Dunnington tells us that this quiz was taken from the Readers Digest for July 1988. In the form that he sent it, the questions and answers were quoted verbatim; with true editorial timidity, I changed the wording rather drastically, in order to minimize the danger of copyright violations. The principle remains intact. The quiz | Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
TYD BYTS | Don’t Clog Your Memory With GOSUBs Perhaps you didn’t know that you can exhaust the memory of your TS 2068 in a surprisingly short time, if you repeatedly use a GOSUB without a corresponding RETURN. Try the following: and RUN the program. You’ll get an OUT OF MEMORY report when N-78. What happens, of course, | Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |
TYD BYTS | Take Care of Those 2040 Printouts As we all have discovered, to our sorrow, those printouts produced by the TS2040 printer are pretty fragile stuff. No paper has an unlimited life, of course, as witness the incredible lengths to which libraries go to try to protect their most valuable books, But your printer’s paper reminds | Timex/Sinclair 1000, Timex/Sinclair 2068 |