Volume: 1
Issue: 1
- Welcome
Guidebook UpdateTS 2068 Update on TS 2068 User’s Guidebook. Now lists more than 300 products, more than 90 dealers.
Programming TipsTS 2068 Type-in program Several short programs and tips, script character set.
Reviewer Corner: GeneralaTS 2068 Software review Software version of game similar to Yatzee.
- AERCO-Tasword Two PatchTS 2068 Type-in program
TS 2050 Modems vs Power StripsTS 2068 TS 2050 Some users have load problems when the cassette recorder and modem are connected to the same power strip.
Timex Copyrights?Games to Learn By has purchased the marketing rights to 18 Timex titles and is seeking to purchase more of them.
- Questions and Answers
Editor's PageTS 2068 Book review Jeff Mazur’s book, Timex Sinclair 2068 Intermediate/Advanced Guide, was nearly cancelled. More than 900 letters were sent to SAMS, lobbying them to publish the book.
Sinclair MagazineBook review Review of ZX Computing.
What is TSS Services?Brief history.