Date: October 1986
Volume: 3
Issue: 10
- Notes from the EditorThis has been an interesting past month. I have had а few special phone calls and letters from people concerning thesub-board that we have on the Kaypro BBS. Ed Gray, the SYSOP of the Timex sub-board on the YARBBS, was finally able to get on line calling through Dallas using PC PURSUIT. I do not…
- Timex/Sinclair User Group of Fort Worth, Texas September Meeting NotesThe meeting was called to order by our president, Gene Pickens. Even though only 10 members were present at this meeting (a rather small group) and no one had any classes prepared for this meeting (there was too much going on at work to have time to prepare anything), there was a great deal of…
- Timex TipsQUESTION: Can you explain the term RLE graphics? ANSWER: R.L.E. stands for RUN LENGTH ENCODED graphics, which probably does not tell you a lot. The idea is to take а screen full of graphic information (usually 256 dots across by 196 dots high) and turn the information into ASCII characters which сап then be sent…
- Amstrad Offers Low-Cost PC Clones for U.K.The Brentwood, England, company’s long-awaited PC-1512, available in eight configurations starting at about $614, is based on Intel’s 8086 microprocessor running at 8 MHz and comes with several software packages.
- Working with the ZX81/TS1000 Display File (Continued)
- Cartridge CopyThe hardware modification for copying cartridges to disc is now available from AERCO. You can make the mods yourself as shown іп the illustration (hich cannot be done here, but it is very clear), or for $15 AERCO will send you the assembled chip and switch and all you have to do is install it.…
- BootHere is a boot program that I use оп all of mу discs. Loading programs is as simple as touching a few keys. No more typing errors to worry about.
- From the Editor's MailboxMessages extracted from the Fort Worth BBS.
- Short Cuts from EnglandShort programs, originally printed in ZX Computing Monthly.
- Discussion on ComputersDiscussion about computers other than the Timex/Sinclair.
- MemscanThis is a short machine code routine that displays a memory map of the computer. It is 2068 specific, but can easily be altered for the Spectrum with two POKEs.
- Program ReaderHave you at one time or another forgotten the name of a particular 1000 program but didn’t want to wait the 10 minutes to see what it was? Help is at hand! This routine will read and print the name the program was saved under, all in a few seconds and without affecting the saved…
- InterruptsА discussion of interrupts was a bit too advanced a subject to cover in detail in my book ‘Introduction to 2068 Machine Code,” since the beginning student has enough other things to learn, so here is a short discussion of them. Reprinted from SMUG Bytes, August 1986.
- BBS ProgramsI am very proud to announce that the download Section on the FUKUG MBBS & PSDE for the Timex/Sinclair computers now has 41 programs for downloading via XMODEM protocol.