Date: November 1987
Volume: 4
Issue: 11
- Notes from the EditorNewsletter merge between Dallas and Fort Worth user groups announced.
- Fort Worth October Meeting NotesQuarterly joint meetings between two groups begin.
- Chairmans ChatNotes from chairman of the Dallas user group.
- Ask ChuckRevised version of a disk catalog program.
- Star TipAssembly language routine to read the keyboard.
- Using Tasword II to create a TYPEable (on a BBS) Text FileTasword II files, unlike Mscript files, DO NOT include carriage returns (CR) or line feeds (LF) at the end of EVERY LINE. There is a LF (but no CR) at the end of each papagraph. Therefore when a file, created with Tasword, is uploaded to a BBS, the remote system does not (cannot) display the…
- An Open Letter from E. Arthur BrownI’m sorry the Timex stuff appears to be getting low coverage in our catalog. Sales have been petering out for 2 years now and when I’m mailing the catalog to 25,000 ST and PC people and only 5,000 Timex people, it just doesn’t pay to have the Timex stuff take up very much room in…
- Psion Organizer II Hits U.S. MarketOn the other side of the Atlantic, ‘small is better’ seems to be the credo as far as computers is concerned. Starting with Clive Sinclair and the ZX-80, the business of tiny computers has mushroomed. Now Psion — the same folks who created the bundled software for the QL — is marketing their handheld computer…
- Modem Programs Available on the FWKUG & PDSEPrograms for uploading binary files available.
- Jack Dohany - MScript Version 5.3I am temporarily “out of business”… my regular business (making wooden toys) is leaving me NO time for computing.
- I Have Moved to the FD-68 CompletelyI now, thanks to the quick reply from Jack Dohany, have the MSCRIPT AERCO disk, version 5.3. This is just like my old MSCRIPT, but improved. There is another version on the way, but you will have to wait for that one-I will explain in a short article in this column. I also, thanks to…
- Mail CallMessages from Timex Sinclair enthusiasts, sent via email on BBS.
- New 2068 MagazineAnnouncement for TS-2068 Update.
- User Profile - Dallas
- Notes from the Co-Editor
- FASTAPENotes on using the program and program listing.