The Data Expansion v4 n9

Date: September 1987
Volume: 4
Issue: 9


  • Notes from the Editor
    I have been reading some interesting articles in other newsletters from the Timex community. One in Particular that impressed me spoke about how good our computers really were. It made me wonder about the Timex people. If they had known how tenacious we ZX80, ZX81/1000, 1500, 2068, SPECTRUM, QL and AMSTRAD users and user groups
  • August Meeting Notes
    The meeting was called to order by our President, Chuck Dawson. Some af the more frequent attending, Gene Pickens and our secretary, Charles Stelding, were unable to attend. It was good to see Frank Bouldin up and around after his surgery from last month. He seems to be back to his “old” self. Also back
  • Timex Tips
    QUESTION: How many ‘ports’ do we have? What are ports used for? ANSWER: A port is a window to the outside world, just like on a ship. In the Timex-Sinclair line of computers, we have a total of 256 possible serial ports. This is because the machine code instructions used to access ports require a
  • Weiser Buffer Utility
    This program is based on the Sincus Buffer Utility by Dave Shoenwetter as well as the ‘FASTDIAL’ program from Micro-Systems BBS. The first half of this listing looks a little like Schoenwetter’s Aerco Printer I/F utility program. I’ve altered both the BASIC and the machine code.
  • Star Tip: Spectrum
    Ever looked at the flashy rainbow colored lettering on Hewson games and wished you could do the same. Now you can, thanks to the people at Hewson allowing programmer Dominic Robinson to show you how.
  • SCREEN$ Utility
    David Braziel of Stafford gives a very interesting routine for the Alphacom 32 or ZX printer. This will give you some very interesting screen dumps. Reprinted from Your Spectrum, August 1987.
  • Hex/Dec Converter - Maybe?
    Some people will try to write anything provided that it is very short. Mel Goodman of Leeds has come up with the very shortest Hex/Dec converter ever.
  • From the Editor's Mailbag and Information from the FWKUG MBBS & PDSE
    I thought you might like to see just what takes place many times on the FWKUG MBBS & PSDE that affects the Timex/Sinclair users and modem users here in the Fort Worth/Dallas area. Also some of the information and files that get placed on the board for the benefit of all of us. (Our downloadable
  • New Life for the Old Printer
    I have a fairly obsolete computer system, I guess. A Timex 2068 powering an Epson RX-80. The Epson works well, never gives me any trouble, and has several good features like underline, bold, italic. etc. But lately, I have been a little embarrassed when everyone else’s printer seemed to turn aut copy looking like it
  • The Keyboard Scanning Ports of the TS-2068
    Some time ago when first attempting to translate a “SPECTRUM” program for operation in the TS-2068, I was exposed to a BASIC command that I had not see before – “IN”. This aroused my curiosity and I began to work with different values and methods of writing the command as the translated programs would not
  • Free Programs From Shortwave Radio
    Basicode-transmitted over the air on shortwave! By Raido Netherlands, the independent international short wave station of the Netherlands.
  • Another SCREEN$ Utility
    Copy a block of the screen.
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