Volume: 11
Issue: 10
- From the Editor's DeskI am sorry to note that this issue is quite devoid of 2068 programs and articles. The nearest we come to a 2068 program is the article on printer codes which includes a program conversion from GW-BASIC. While the article pertains to a particular printer, the concept of displaying whatever graphic symbols your printer may…
- Hot Z SpectrumAn old friend of the TS community phoned me yesterday and asked if I had heard of a version of HOT Z for the Spectrum. He has been tracking rumors of such an animal for quite a while and has not been able to locate a copy. I am sure that he would appreciate it…
- Bits & BytesOur September meeting was probably the best one we’ve had in quite some months. We had 5 people in attendence and had a short business meeting to discuss future plans for the club. We had a consensus on plans for getting back to a format of discussion, show and tell and question/answer sessions.
- Printer Graphic CharactersThis article pertains to Epson 24 pin printers, mainly the LQ-570 model & its counterpart Epson Action 5000.
- Design a Zener Diode CircuitThe companion program for the 2068 computer was in the last edition. It was developed from the GWBASIC circuit given here. This program designs a zener circuit to provide a stable DC output from a higher DC voltage.