The Plotter v9 n1

Volume: 9
Issue: 1


  • Screen Display Program
  • Editorial
  • Minutes
  • Bits & Bytes
  • From the Editor's Desk
  • Mike's Notebook: WINDOW
    This months utility gives you a WINDOW command that will -place user defined 3-D window at location and any size on the screen using any of the eight available colors. The user can define the line, column, width, height, and color of each window.
  • Using Point!
    What is POINT? Our 2068 manual simply states that POINT tells you whether a PLOT point specified by coordinates is PAPER color (0), or INK color (1). The coordinates for x range from 0 to 255 and y ranges from 0 to 175.
  • Ski Run Program
  • Maze Program
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