Volume: 8
Issue: 3
- Chairman's Mumblings
- Minutes
- Larken Lines
- From the Editor's Desk
- TS2068 Serial CableTS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware project
- PIX-FX, A ReviewTS 2068 Software review
- More Tasword IITS 2068 Type-in program
- Make a Wampum CrateTS 2068 Type-in program
Mike's Notebook: LARGETS 2068 Type-in program Easy-to-use command utility which quickly PRINTs a string of text at any size and at any pixel coordinate location.
- Notice to All Newsletter Editors
Buzz SawTS 2068 Type-in program This is another 2068 graphic so make a picture of “WAGNER’S BUZZ SAW” and work with angles. If the reader will recall, when you use angles they must be in radians for computer formulas.
More 2068 GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program The first program draws a “snail” by processing a program for a spiral of 360 degrees. It also draws straight lines between the center and the points, forming the shell.
- Bits & BytesTS 2068
- Minutes
- Editorial