The Plotter v12 n4

Volume: 12
Issue: 4


  • From the Editor's Desk
  • Twelve Coins
    We received a nice reply to our puzzle about 12 coins of equal denomination but one was a counterfeit. With a balance, determine which is the counterfeit coin, bearing in mind that this coin can be lighter or heavier than the others. George Chambers from the Toronto Timex Sinclair Club took the time to develop
  • Printers, Printers
    Have any of you looked at the new generation of computer printers lately? If not, you may be in for some surprises. Some good, some bad! As a dealer who likes to keep up with what is happening in the world of computers so that I can better serve my customers, I have occasion to
  • A Cockroach Story
    This little story by Marilyn appeared in our Sunday paper. You are to come up with the answer as requested at the end. It is an easy one to convert into a computer program to get the answer.
The Plotter v12 n4
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