The Plotter v12 n6

Date: June 1994
Volume: 12
Issue: 6


  • From the Editor's Desk
    This month we continue with the dissertation on BASIC programming by Jim Wagner. Worthwile suggestions are offered to the programmer.
  • Tim X The Tutor
    Perhaps you know someone that is home schooling their child. These days a lot of folks are. For whatever reason they have chosen this course, and there are good reasons for many, these parents could use all of the tools and helps that are available. Why shouldn’t you suggest one of the best learning tools
  • Commodore 1520 Plotter
    Some time ago I suggested some possible updating of Page 1 of this newsletter. Having had a Commodore 1520 plotter for a few years plus John McMichael’s programming and interface (Oliger) but not having actually done any programming for it, now seemed to be a time to get at it and see what I had.
  • A 2068 Quickie
  • Jim's Programming Notes
    Continues from the May issue, covering structure, variable names, constants and user interface.
The Plotter v12 n6
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