The Plotter v12 n9

Date: September 1994
Volume: 12
Issue: 9


  • From the Editor's Desk
    It is becoming quite evident that Mackintosh and IBM clone types are advancing so rapidly in new technology that our home equipment is becoming more like the 2068 in comparison.
  • Computers in Space
    As I write this, it has been 25 years since we landed a man on the moon. Can you believe it? And when did most of us start using computers on a regular basis? Wasn’t it only 12-14 years ago? And what were these great tools that we had been handed? A 6 inch square
  • Larken Lines
    I have had a few calls concerning the problems some folks are having with their LKDOS system when using more than 40 or 80 tracks on their disks (depending on whether they have double or quad drives).
  • A Novel Card
    This short program will print out a novel card you can distribute to your friends, print it out parties, etc. Readers of past issues of this newsletter will recall that I use Jack Dohany’s 2068 USE 9 for screen dumps. This is a part of his GYPSY routines.
  • Printer Ready?
    There are times that a good screen warning of the Busy/Ready status of a printer is very helpful, particularly if a printer is shared between several computers.
The Plotter v12 n9
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