The Sinc Times v3 n5

Date: September/October 1984
Volume: 3
Issue: 5


  • Editorial: The best of times, the worst of times...
    Well, the worst is over and it can only get better. At least thatโ€™s how I -feel now as I tap out my -first newsletter on my 2068. I wish to thank all of you who have decided to stick with the newsletter (and, of course, the ZX computers) for your continued support – I
  • Membership Roster
    We lost a lot of people when the newsletter changed hands (at least half), but thatโ€™s the way it goes.
  • Support!
    Companies still supporting the Sinclair and Timex/Sinclair computers.
  • Keyboard Control of Graphics
    Fast graphics in SLOW mode is not a contradiction in terms. Machine code allows instantaneous control of a moving graphic symbol in this example program.
  • Program Conversion: Deepspace
    Deepspace is a tatical simulation of ship to ship combat. You are one of a group of captains assigned to patrol a section of your star empire’s borders against hostile aliens. Converted from the original in More BASIC Computer Games by David Ahl.
  • Input/Output
  • Sprite Maker
    Machine code program to support fast moving graphics
  • Outlook Bright for New Products and Services
    Reprinted from E. Arthur Brown catalog.
  • Steering to Success: The QL Roadtest
    Reprinted from another source.
  • The Sinclair QL
    Reprinted from BYTE UK.
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