The Sinc Times v3 n6

Date: November/December 1984
Volume: 3
Issue: 6


  • New Product News
    Spectrum emulators, disk drive systems for TS2068, Timex modem and BBSes, Hot-Z.
  • Forum
  • Editorial
  • Support
    A & J Microdrive offers microdrives; Heath Computer Services has business programs; ROMPAK has Pro/File, Textwriter and others on ROM.
  • Input/Output
    John Bloxham reports 2068 and Spectrum are not very different; Van Vangor uses TS1000 for business inventory control; Narti Kitiyakara has Tasword; Kurt Olsen states Samsung deal is domestic only.
  • New Product News
    Spectrum emulators available; disk systems for 2068; terminal software for modem; cartridge version (HOT Z-AROS) of Hot Z-2068 available.
  • Hot Z-2068
    Review of the disassembler from Sinware.
    Review of the word processor.
  • Spectrum Update
    New Spectrum model; compatibility; Spectrum BASIC Disassembler.
  • The Shape of Things to Come?
    Reprint of article about ZX Spectrum+ from Your Spectrum.
  • Brains to come
    Reprint of an article about Clive Sinclair from Computer Mail.
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