Date: May 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
- President's AddressNotes about activities at the April 1985 meeting.
- Letters to the EditorsDiscussion of attempts to exchange newsletters with other users groups.
- Transferring Machine Code from a TS1000/ZX81 REM Statement to the TS2068 Using Upload 2000 or FirstloaderHow to use either program to transfer the program without the program interpreting the machine code as BASIC tokens.
- Timex Sinclair Computers and Amateur RadioPrograms to allow TS users to communicate via a RTTY-like method.
- ZX81 Utility General Routines and TipsCode snippets for entering/manipulating numbers; short program for saving multiple copies of a program.
- Me and My PrinterOne user’s experience using word processing software on the 2068 and printing.
- 4th CornerTutorial on Forth via converting MASTERMIND from BASIC.
- Software Review: YS Mega BasicReview of extended BASIC utilities for Spectrum computers.
- Home InventoryType-in program for tracking household items.
- REM ExtenderExtend a REM line without disturbing the existing contents.
- Earth-AttackType-in video game.
- FlashShort program to flash screen display and selectively reverse lines.
- Poster MakerPrints large copies of title pages from programs.
- RelocatorMoves a machine code program from above RAMTOP into a REM statement.
- Sound Generator for the ZX 81Three tone generator, one noise generator project. Reprinted from Electronics, Dec 1982 – Feb 1983 issue.