Date: September 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
President's AddressNotes about low attendance at summer meetings; author’s experience setting up a Larken disk system.
Tips for loading FORTHHow to and what to expect when loading ZX Forth.
Report from the LibrarianBill Harmer briefly takes over role; re-recording software tapes.
NewsObservations of Sinclair users from abroad; disk drive system from Zebra.
MCoder II BASIC CompilerTS 1000 Software review Brief review of the compiler.
Odds and EndsTS 2068 Technique for backing up software using 007; black border for Tasword II.
Logical StatementsTS 1000 Tutorial Short overview of using logical operators.
Larken Disk DriveTS 2068 Hardware review One user’s experiences with an early Larken setup.
The ZX-81/TS1000 NotebookTS 1000 Short routines from GOSUBS by Edwin and Shirley Gaby; converting programs to the ZX-81.
Forth CornerNo new tutorial; White Lightning Forth for the Spectrum has been converted by Knighted Computers.
2-Week Bar ChartTS 2068 Type-in program Lists and sums daily values for a two-week period. Values are plotted comparing daily values.
Binary Look-SeeTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to display binary bit patterns.
GenerationTS 2068 Type-in program Conversion of program from The Gateway Guide to the ZX81 and ZX80.
Menus Menus Menus MenusTS 2068 Type-in program Short subroutine to handle menus and nested menus.
Cassette Tape RecordTS 2068 Type-in program Program to catalog tapes and programs.
FilerTS 1000 Type-in program File manager (database) program, reprinted from Microcomputing, March 1983.