Timex Sinclair User Group Newsletter: Ottawa Chapter v4 n2

Date: September 1987
Volume: 4
Issue: 2


  • From the Editor
    Letter from David Solly, the club librarian. Club acquired a Larken disk drive system for the TS 1000, other new arrivals to the library.
  • Meetings in Review
    Highlights from meetings from April to June 1987. Michael Dove demonstrated a four-way pixel scrolling program. David Solly demonstrated alternate character sets. John Mathewson showed his prototype MIDI interface. Harry Rosewarne gave a demo on techniques of integers.
  • 2068 Programs
    Reprint of an article from Sinclair User to demonstrate scrolling one pixel at a time in any one of four directions.
  • Line Listing BASIC2 and M-Script: A Surprise Combination
    Technique for using Michael Carver’s BASIC2 program (from November/December 1986 issue of Time Designs Magazine) with MScript to create ASCII text program listings.
  • First Loader Program Listing
    Modified by David Solly to be used in conjunction with BASIC2 by Michael Carver to create ASCII text listings of Sinclair BASIC programs.
Timex Sinclair User Group Newsletter: Ottawa Chapter v4 n2
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