Date: December 1987
Volume: 4
Issue: 3
- Hints for the 2068Pokes and programming hints from a T-S Horizons article by George Mockridge.
- CK Type: A New Standard for "Fool-Proof" Typing of TS2068 Program Listings in MagazinesOriginally published in the March/April 1987 issue of Time Designs, this program produces checksums for each program line, making entering programs from magazine articles less error-prone.
- OthelloInspired by a listing in a Commodore 64 magazine.
- Eyesight SaverAdapted from a program that appeared in Practical Computing, May 1984. Memory-resident program to alter display of program listings: adds a new line after every colon or THEN statement.
- Copal Screen CopierModification of a program by John Bennett; print graphics screens to the Copal Write Hand L1200 printer.