Date: March 1984
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
- Do You Own a 2068? Or Are You Getting One? And Are You Interested in Machine Code Programming?Undoubtedly you would like to own a nice machine code loader, and a Simple disassembler, and a hex/decimal decimal/hex converter. Then you could easily follow and learn from Dick Scoville’s machine language tutorial which starts in this issue.
- 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming
- New Product News; Old Product Offers64K inside the case from Independence Research, ROMPAK programs; disk drives; CAI Instruments products and more.
- Flash! Flash! Flash! Bad News (& Good)News and rumors in the Timex community.
- 8K of Very Low Power CMOS RAM In aWorld Class Computer For Only $40Here is a method for installing a Toshiba TCS5S65 PL-15 Very Low Power CMOS SK X B RAM ($40 from Microprocessors Unlimited) in a TS1000 computer. Two of the great advantages of installation are the reduced power consumption (maybe as much as a 30% cut) and the absence of RAM pack wobble and crash. Who…
- Excellent Book by Fred Blechman: Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner/Intermediate GuideIf I were selecting an interesting, affordable textbook suitable far beginners or intermediates, ages 10 to adult, this would be the book. It has a large number of program listing, very well explained, and the programs are interesting as well as useful. Most important is the careful explanations it’s also very well illustrated (even colored…
- Dunbar Aitkens: Silent Conversation and The Glass Plate GameThe Glass Plate Game is a conversational one. Idea cards and markers are used, and the challenge is to build patterns of thought by finding interesting connections between the cards.
- The Timex Sinclair 2068Review of the book by Roger Valentine.
- The Timex Sinclair 2068Review of the book by Roger Valentine.
- Games for Your Timex-Sinclair 2000Review of the book by Peter Shaw.
- Ray Kingsley Takes a Look Inside a Timex Cartridge and Adds Other CommentsInside [a Timex Cartridge] one finds three blobs of what looks like high quality tar on a circuit board. Apparently they must weld down the silicon wafers themselves, which gives them a pretty good proprietary grip.
- XForth Xchange v2 n1Full copy of the newsletter.
- A Review of Sinware's "STEP"STEP is a program from Sinware. The ad says STEP is the ultimate debugging tool for programs in BASIC. I cannot say if this is true or not, But it sure comes close. STEP permits the execution of a program by several methods. The simplest is one line at a time. To use STEP, first…
- RAMPAGER: A Review
- AC Circuit Analysis ReviewThis is the review of the AC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS program I promised you last month, but didn’t get a chance to do. The program is simply called AC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAM and it functions like a miniature version of ECAP. Anyone who knows what ECAP is can skip to the next paragraph. For those who…
- Hex to Decimal, Decimal to HexShort program to covert between the two bases.
- Foreign Correspondent Richard Describes the New Sinclair QL ComputerSinclair has done it again. I expect you haven’t heard about his new computer – the QL – as it was only announced last week in Britain. The specification of the machine is very good and I will list some of the main points.
- Linda Banta of Banta Software Sends Two Programs to Tell if 2040 is ON or OFFThe REM statement is a short machine code routine which must be the first line of the program. The other lines can be anywhere and can be modified to give other messages.
- Making Your 2040 Printer Print Darker When Using the 2068 ComputerHere’s a way of going through the display file and darkening up each dot, then printing out everything with COPY for a nice dark, hard copy image.
- 64 Column ScreenHere is a way of seeing the special 64 character mode in operation and convincing yourself that you need a high res RGB monitor or some such new addition.
- The March 4th Meeting and Bill McCotter's GiftWe will have the Timex modem on hand far a hands on demonstration, continue with the software sharing that went on last meeting, and we will come up with a group project that can be done in a one to two month time period. We will also have an auction of donated materials: Step, Rampager,…
- A Loading Aid That WorksYou may be interested in a TSZX loading aid which really works; further, it allows one to easily align ones tape heads (the latter has been the source of all my load problems with the TS1000): no tape recorder has been properly aligned when purchased.
- Phil Kegelmeyer's Edge Detection Programs Demonstrate Artificial IntelligenceThis is really a collection of short programs, reached by appropriate ‘GOTO’ commands. The first part of the program gives the appropriate line numbers names which are easier to remember, and dimensions the arrays.