Triangle Sinclair Users Group v3 n2

Date: February 1985
Volume: 3
Issue: 2


  • Welcome
  • 2068 Notes: A Tutorial on Machine Code Programming
  • Screens
    Programs that draw interesting designs on the screen and their output.
  • Music Maker
    Program to aid in composing music. Can produce a code string to allow for using the music in other programs.
  • VU-File as a Word Processor
    Letter detailing how the author uses the database program as an ersatz word processor.
  • A Word Processor in BASIC
    Paragraph in a string word processor design.
  • The Early Sinclair
    Letter from a reader about Sinclair’s first product, a radio called the Micro-6.
  • The QL Report
    Volume 1, issue 3 of the short newsletter about the Sinclair QL.
  • Letters
    Letters from Jesse Peeler, Clark Calkins and Weldon Baker about their projects. Jesse wrote about the issues with surplus TS1000s purchased from Zebra Systems; Clark wrote about his CP/M-like operating system for the Exatron Stringy Floppy and TS1000; Weldon asked for advice about using plotting research data in high resolution.
Triangle Sinclair Users Group v3 n2
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