Date: April 1993
EditorialMiracle in Newport (Rhode Island) QL show; DMA Computerfest.
- Z88 MacLink ReviewZ88
- Z88 Hardware ConnectionsZ88
- Z88 Glossary of TermsZ88
- What is New for the QLQL
QL to IBM TransfersQL How to transfer files over serial cable.
QXL - Miracle's New PC CardQL Brief description of PC coprocessor card that offered QL compatibility.
Cable ColumnQL Entering procedures using the Archive program editor.
Lightning S. E. and BootQL Setup a boot file for the Lighting QL accessory.
Menu-Driven Printer_DAT SelectionQL Program to allow user to select one of several printers at startup.
LayoutQL Program to display a single sheet with scale outline of a page to allow the user to set margins, etc.
Resurrecting a Crashed Directory on the ZX81 LarkenZX81 Technique for manually recovering a crashed directory.
The History of QZXZX80 ZX81 TS 2068 History of the ham radio focused computing magazine founded by Martin Irons.
PalletTS 2068 Type-in program Implements some of the techniques of “TS2068 Video Bells and Whistles.”