Update April 1993

Date: April 1993


Title Description Computers
Editorial Miracle in Newport (Rhode Island) QL show; DMA Computerfest.
Z88 MacLink Review Cambridge Z88
Z88 Hardware Connections Cambridge Z88
Z88 Glossary of Terms Cambridge Z88
What is New for the QL Sinclair QL
QL to IBM Transfers How to transfer files over serial cable. Sinclair QL
QXL - Miracle's New PC Card Brief description of PC coprocessor card that offered QL compatibility. Sinclair QL
Cable Column Entering procedures using the Archive program editor. Sinclair QL
Lightning S. E. and Boot Setup a boot file for the Lighting QL accessory. Sinclair QL
Menu-Driven Printer_DAT Selection Program to allow user to select one of several printers at startup. Sinclair QL
Layout Program to display a single sheet with scale outline of a page to allow the user to set margins, etc. Sinclair QL
Resurrecting a Crashed Directory on the ZX81 Larken Technique for manually recovering a crashed directory. Sinclair ZX81
The History of QZX History of the ham radio focused computing magazine founded by Martin Irons. Sinclair ZX80, Sinclair ZX81, Timex/Sinclair 2068
Pallet Implements some of the techniques of “TS2068 Video Bells and Whistles.” Timex/Sinclair 2068


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