Date: January 1988
The Extra Memory SectionTS 2068 We can use the DOCK BANK for programs and the HOME BANK for DATA. We can put a 64K program in the Dock Bank, and keep almost all of the 38K of FREE memory for data storage and management. This capability of the TS-2068 has been neglected and few realize the increase in power that…
Jan 1988 EditorialTS 2068 Up-Date provides support for disk drive users; Winter Fest in Orlando; Filing Up-Date pages; New software; Up-Date BBS.
A Cheap and Excellent Twin Disk DriveTS 2068 Hardware review You can get the Amdisk III for $49.95.
Extra Memory ProgrammingTS 2068 Reference Type-in program Hardware project Tutorial on storing programs in DOCK memory and how the Timex interprets those programs. Utilities to prepare BASIC programs for implementation in DOCK memory.
Dock Bank Memory for Twenty Cents: Convert a TS-1000 Ram Memory for the TS-2068TS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware project How to convert a 64K RAM pack for the TS1000 to map to dock memory on the TS2068.
Handy References and a SAFE-DOS File IndexerTS 2068 Type-in program DOSDEX file indexer.
Mastering The Management of Character Arrays: The Management PackageTS 2068 Type-in program Additional programs that work with SDOS Mail Merge.
List LookerTS 2068 Type-in program View any file saved to disk as a character array. Enhancement to SDOS Mail Merge.
Printer Programming or Adapting Software to PrinterTS 2068 Tutorial Tutorial on sending data and commands to printers.
Practical Uses of Screen Files and Disk Dependant ProgrammingTS 2068 Tutorial Using disk files to save and quickly load menu screens.
- Timex Clubs of North AmericaTS 2068
- TS-2068 SuppliersTS 2068 Reference
- The TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems: Combinations to Achieve Increased CapabilityTS 2068
SPDOS for North AmericaTS 2068 SPDOS originates from Abbeydale Designers. The American version is marketed by Cuyahoga Valley Software Works.
LarKen DSK 400 Disk Operating SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the disk interface system.
The Oliger TS-2068 SAFE DISK SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the hardware and DOS.
- TS-2608 Supporting PublicationsTS 2068
The Aerco FD-68 Disk SystemTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the system.
- Timex Technical Data: TS2068 PC Board Component LayoutTS 2068 Reference
- Timex Technical Data: TS-2068 SchematicTS 2068 Reference
- Timex Technical Data: Connector Signal LayoutTS 2068 Reference
MTERM II: Modification for the LARKEN DD SystemTS 2068 Type-in program Modifications to make MTERM work well with the Larken system.