Date: January 1993
Editoral and DedicationWilliam J. Pedersen passed away from complications of lupus.
Make the Tasman 'B' Centronics Printer Interface Work with the Larken DS400TS 2068 Hardware project Changes to make Tasman B and C printer interfaces work better with Larken disk system.
TS2068 Power Supply Information from QZXTS 2068 Reference Overview of the AC adaptor and internal voltage regulation.
Tips on ZX81/TS1000 Computer RepairTS 1000 Reference Troubleshooting tips for fixing TS1000 problems.
TS2068 Payroll Program for LarkenTS 2068 Type-in program Program to calculate wages, payroll, etc.
History's Greatest TS2068 POKEs and ExtrasTS 2068 Reference Collection of POKEs from various newsletters.
Autostart Hints for Larken UsersTS 2068 Type-in program How to set up an autostart file for Larken DOS.
- QL Archive RevisitedQL Type-in program
- Public Domain Software and the QLQL
- The XChange Version of QuillQL
- Open Letter to All QL UsersQL
- QL Keyboard ConnectionsQL Reference
Cable ColumnQL PRINT and LPRINT commands with an overview of all input/output commands.
QL Acey-Digety GameQL Type-in program Game in SuperBasic.
- Z88 Biorythm ProgramZ88 Type-in program
Safe as Houses - Z88 SecurityZ88 Type-in program Program to secure your Z88.