Date: January 1995
- Timex Publication Index, part 2ZX80 TS 1000 TS 2068
- Printer Editor Setup for the Z88 and HP Deskjet 520Z88
- Sinclair Internet Resources List
- Cables for the Z88Z88
- QL News and ViewsQL
- Disk Mate 4QL
Sinclair Lotto SimulatorQL Converted from the 2068 program by G. Mockridge.
Cable ColumnQL Using keys to link databases together and other handy tricks.
Release of ZX81TapeZX81 Announcement of program to convert programs on cassette to MSDOS files.
Program to demonstrate math errorTS 2068 Type-in program Demonstrates puzzling math error with integers.
Timex 2068 Emulation on a PC Using Z80TS 2068 How to use Gerton Lunter’s Spectrum emulator, Z80, as a Timex 2068 emulator.
Christmas Return Label MakerTS 2068 Type-in program Program to print Christmas labels.
ZX81 Emulator for the Atari STZX81 Software review Review of emulator.
2068 ROM Bypass Board Schematic, RevisedTS 2068 Hardware project Revised and accurate schematic for William Pedersen’s ROM bypass board.
- Editorial