Date: July 1990
Report in the Sinclair Expo in MilwaukeeTS 2068 Update about the expo and Timex/Sinclair scene.
Archive: The Final FrontierQL Intro to Archive.
- Ruminations From The QL EditorQL
Be Seein YouLetter from former editor.
The C.A.T.S NewsletterTS 2068 QL Five articles reprinted from the newsletter: The C Column, QL Small-C Comparison, Additions to the QL Library, More on Benchmarks and Dealing With The BBS.
The Sinclair Z88 Small But PowerfulZ88 Demonstration of mixing word processor and spreadsheet features in same document.
Archive Series - Part 1: Database ConceptsQL Databases for novices.
- TS-2068 Program "Dbx.B6" A software for RECORD KeepingTS 2068 Type-in program
Home Office on the CheapDIY dust buster; DIY printer stand.
Printing MacrosTS 2068 Type-in program Short routines for setting printer styles.
Screen Macros: The "macro.b6" ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Program to create SCREEN$ and save/load them to/from disk.
Copy Screens with "scopy.B6"TS 2068 Type-in program Program to print screen files to printer.
The QL Network device without ToolKit 2QL Connect two QLs together.
D..base-1 for TOSTS 2068 Revised version of Bill Jones’ program for the TOS operating system, Zebra OS-64 and a centronics printer interface.
Dbase1 EvolutionTS 2068 Type-in program History of Dbase1 and updates.
Trump Card User's GuideDocumentation to supplement the small manual that comes with the card.
Announcing "Gulf Micro Electronic"TS 2068 A company for Bill Jones’ software.