Date: October 1992
- Transferring Z-88 Files to the 2068TS 2068 Z88
- Corrected QL Membrane MatrixQL
- News on the Z88 in North AmericaZ88
- News and New Products for your QLQL
CAD#5 Intfc Listing for Oliger/EpsonTS 2068 Type-in program Follow up to earlier article about PCB design program.
- How to Convert a Surplus WC2050 Modem into an RS-232 Serial Interface for your TS1000/1500/2068TS 1000 TS 2068 TS 2050 Hardware project
Adding RGB to Your 2068TS 2068 Hardware project Instructions and schematic to connect 2068 to TTL RGB monitor.
Cable ColumnQL IF and ALL and MODE commands.
Exploring New EnvironmentsZX Spectrum QL ZX Spectrum emulation; QL subdirectories.
TMX Disk Operating System Boot Disk ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Program to automatically load from disk when the computer is booted.
CAD#5 Listing for Oliger/EpsonTS 2068 Type-in program Follow up to PCB design programs in prior issues.
ROM Bypass Circuit DescriptionTS 2068 Hardware project Board to bypass 0-16K of the HOME bank and 0-8K of the EXROM bank.
A Screen Dump ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Simple program to dump to Citizen printer
TS2068 Video Bells and WhistlesTS 2068 Tutorial Advanced graphics programming tutorial.
- Dayton Computerfest Report
- October Editorial