Date: October 1994
- Timex Publication Index, part 1ZX80 TS 1000 TS 2068
- Z88 ROM and Internal RAM UpgradeZ88
- Z88 Flow ChartZ88
- Report on the Dayton Computerfest in August
- A Review of QLerkQL
Xtricator, Version 1.75TS 1000 QL Review of the ZX-81 emulator by Carlo Delhez.
- Pertinent Points on QL Disk DrivesQL
Cable ColumnQL FormEd – A form editor and printer for Archive databases.
- QLAMBer UpdateQL
- Review of Chris Boutal's Genealogist 3QL
How to Build a Larken Dock BoardTS 2068 Hardware project How to make a dock cartridge board.
Serial Printer Output ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Machine language program listing.
- World Map, Part 2TS 1000 Type-in program
LogiCall ReviewTS 2068 Software review Review of the disk management program by Bob Swoger.
- The October Editorial