Date: December 1985
Editors PreambleNotes from the previous club meeting.
Just ChitchattingTS 1000 Describes POKEs necessary to enable 64K RAM pack on TS 1000.
Increase Your MemoryTS 1000 Hardware project Replace the internal RAM chip in a ZX-81 or TS 1000 with 8K static RAM.
The Zeeper SpeaksAmusing view of Sinclair’s financial struggles in the mid-1908s.
Portugal TC 2068 ReviewTS 2068 TC 2068 Hardware review Briefly notes compatibility with ZX Spectrum in comparison to Timex’s 2068.
2068 and Spectrum SoftwareTS 2068 Software review Short review of Letaset from Eclipse Software.
Playing With ElectricityQL Several notes about QL programs, programming.
ZXTRASZX Spectrum Software review Review of Electronic Arts’ ARCHON for the ZX Spectrum.
Review: Spectrum 128KZX Spectrum Hardware review Preview of the 128K Spectrum (“Derby”).
International UsersNames/contact information for Sinclair users who wished to contact others.
2068 Keyboard OverlaysTS 2068 Product announcement for AN-TO’s keyboard overlays.
The Way of the Exploding FistZX Spectrum Software review Review of the game for the ZX Spectrum.
2068 Product GuideTS 2068 Wafadrive, Beaver Computer Product’s software, stereo audio jack for 2068, Zebra software.
New Sinclair ProductsQL QL and flat screen TV available from Curry Computer.
The QL Price ReductionQL Sunset reduces QL price to $299.
The New QL IIQL New QL may be on the way.
Light Show for SpectrumZX Spectrum Type-in program Monitors audio input (EAR) jack and generates colorful display.
New Products: TS + TC 2068TS 2068 TS 2068 computer package, modem hacker’s handbook, 2040 power saver, back-up copier, 64 column cartridge, music book, all from E. Arthur Brown.
Mexican 2068 Users GroupTS 2068 Group looking for other users.
ZX81-TS1000 Software AddressesTS 1000 Places to obtain new software.
ArtTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Two programs to display graphic patterns, one for TS 1000, one for TS 2068.
Odds and EndsTS 1000 Sorting out printer connection problems with the Memotech Centronics interface and mention of SyncWare News and MemoNotes.
The Answer to Life, The Universe, and EverythingTS 1000 Type-in program Program to provide the answer in less than 7 1/2 million years.