Date: October - November 1987
- Bits & Pieces
- Minutes: Sept 1987
- Minutes: Oct 1987
- 1K ZX81 FroggerTS 1000 Type-in program
- Dan Elliott Repair InfoTS 1000 TS 2068
- Just for ThoughtTS 1000 Hardware project
- Have You Lost Your Grip?TS 2040 Hardware project
- Clive Sinclair's mystique part style, part science
- BBS List
2068 Tape LabelsTS 2068 Type-in program Here is a short program for the 2068 that will create a label for your cassettes. It’s really nice to have all your cassettes labeled, indexed, and all the same! Make sure that your program titles aren’t over 10 characters long or they will be cut to 10. After the label is printed, just tear…
- How Slow Is It?TS 1000 Type-in program
- Playing With Electricity: ISDNTutorial
- Q_LINK ReviewQL Software review
- More on the PC8300Hardware review
- Saving MemoryTS 1000 Reference
- Sunstate Timex/Sinclair Winterfest '88 Update
- Pie Chart ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program