ZX-Appeal October 1986

Date: October 1986


  • This Issue
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Simple Text-to-Speech in Software?
    BASIC program to convert text to allophones for the SPO-256 speech syntesizer.
  • Pie Chart
  • Large Print on 2040
    Program prints at double-height.
    Like many of you, I have been fascinated by the idea of speech synthesis. I even bought a GI SP0256 chip only to have it sit on a shelf, silently gathering dust. After all you need a robot or I/O board to make it work, right? Meantime others were having fun and contributing to the
  • SINC-ARTIST Hi-Res Graphics Program Review
    Review of the graphics program with notes on required 8K non-volatile RAM.
  • TS2068 Reset and Initialization Problems With Solution
    Reset solution for TS 2068. Works with base computer and expanded systems.
  • Scroller
    Routine that scrolls text left-to-right and can flash text within the string.
  • Signal Booster
    Use an audio transformer to boost tape signal. Reprinted from Sincus News, May/June 1986.
  • Timex Tips
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