ZX-Appeal September 1986

Date: September 1986


  • This Issue
  • Bits & Pieces
  • Quick Tape
    Program to load/save at approximate 1500 baud.
  • Interrupts
    Introduction to interrupts.
  • Program Reader
    Short machine language program to read the name of a saved program.
  • Turn Off the Bubble Machine
    Short program that uses BEEP to make music.
  • Timex Tips
    Tips for using the Byte-Back Modem with the TS 2068; calling machine code routines; using the OS-64 cartridge.
  • Pascal
    Brief description of PASCAL.
  • Pacific Coast Computer Fair Association
    Update on format of the fair from the West Coast Computer Society Newsletter.
  • Fancy Titles
    Routines for displaying titles on the screen.
  • Memscan
    Routine to display a memory map of the TS 2068.
  • Scrolling Utility for the TS 1000/1500
    Machine language program to scroll text up, down, left and right.
  • Headstand
  • Scroll
    Short machine language program to scroll screen in 8 directions.
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})() ;;; ;(function(){ })()