Date: Winter 1991
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
From the Chairmans DeskPrinter issues, thoughts on MSCRIPT, Larken and Oliger disk systems.
Input/OutputLetters from Abed Kahale, George Chambers, Bill Harmer, Roy Wisti, Pete Paglia, Hugh Scriven, Bill Allen, Bob Madaris. Recover from MSCRIPT crash, work on disk library, Oliger users.
Timex/Sinclair Public Domain Library Available NowT/SNUG public domain library available. Librarians include Bob Swoger, Jay Shepard, D. G. Smith, Ed Snow, Al Feng and Don Lambert.
Cassette Save/Load Routine and Problems for the ZX81, Part 3TS 1000 Reprint of Overcoming Cassette Loading and Saving Problems from Synchro-Sette v2 n4, April 1983.
Clean Screens Please!TS 2068 Request for change to how users save programs to prevent cluttering screen with feedback from Larken disk command calls.
A Short History of the Z88Z88 Most of this article is compiled from news events appearing in Z88 FAX News and Z88 EPROM. Z88 FAX News was an American publication printed on FAX paper in a newspaper style format. Z88 EPROM is the newsletter published by the Z88 Users’ Club in the United Kingdom. The club has a worldwide membership. Z88…
Transferring MSDOS Files to the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Techniques and program for loading files from an MS DOS disk using a Larken disk system.
Directory to Printer PDS DOCQL Type-in program Information about a SuperBASIC utility to send directory listing to the printer.