Date: July 2017
Issue: 4
- OrbitShort program examples that demonstrate an object orbiting another object.
- Random Number with AssemblyTest of five random number algorithms.
- Partial PascalOverview of the three-part Pascal compiler/interpreter.
- sz81 EmulatorReview and how to use the emulator.
- Basic Computer GamesReview of the book by David Ahl.
- Saving Screen BlocksTwo routines for saving and loading a block of memory to/from an array.
- Berch Assembler & DisassemblerReview and overview of Bob Berch’s ZX Assembler/Disassembler.
- z80dasmShort review and how-to use the z80dasm disassembler.
- Aardvark AdventuresOverview of the company and its adventures, short interview with one of the programmers.