Date: August 2015
Issue: 1
EditorialIntroduction from Tim Swenson, author and publisher. Describes goals and scope of the e-zine.
The ZX80 and ZX81 in the USAZX80 ZX81 Background about Sinclair Research Ltd., its entry into the United States marketplace, and its first two computers.
Plotting with Z88dkZX81 Tutorial Describes how to add ZX BASIC PLOT/UNPLOT commands to the Z88dk C compiler.
ZX81 Basic CompilersZX81 Overview of several compilers available in the early 1980s for the ZX81, including ZX Autocoder, MCODER, ZXpress, and The ZX Compiler.
Drawing a LineZX81 Type-in program Code that implement’s Bresenham’s line algorithm in C and BASIC for the ZX81.
Astronomical Algorithms on the ZX81ZX81 Type-in program Examples of astronomical algorithms from More Uses for Your Timex/Sinclair 1000: Astronomy on Your Computer.
MicroSync ServicesZX81 Brief article about “Sinclair’s Exclusive Authorized Service Center.”