Family Computing
- A Farmer and His FlockShort bio about the author as intro to his game, Scales. Game presents user with 25 random weights that must be balanced across four scales. If the difference between individual scales is too much, they topple.
- A Guide to Your Computer's Special Service NeedsWhere/how to get service.
- A Hands-On Review: Timex 2068The new Timex Sinclair 2068 Color Computer weighs in at less than three-and-a-half pounds, but it’s no lightweight when it comes to computer power. It compares favorably with other computers in its price range, and some of its features are generally found in only much higher-priced models. It’s a suitable computer for the novice, and…
- A Year to RememberBrain Terrain puzzle/game.
- Aging Fast While Learning BASICFuture Age Calculator program
- B-17 Reunion: The "Little Computer That Could" And A Data-Base Program Bring WWII Vets Together With New TiesRoberts uses Timex Organizer to keep records for his locksmith business and to track B-17 vets.
- Basic Manuals For ChildrensComputers for Kids, A Kid’s Manual for Programming the Sinclair/Timex Computers and Computer Battlegames and Computer Space Games mentioned.
- BASICare Modular Expansion SystemProduct announcement for Gladstone’s modular expansion system.
- Behind the Screens: Timex Sinclair SupportTimex will honor warrantees, dropping everything else.
- By Invitation Only: An Exclusive New Year's Eve Party You Won't Want to Miss!Puzzle game.
- Cheerleader
- Chore Assigner
- Christmas Tree
- Computer Buyer's Guide: Timex Sinclair 1000
- Computer Valentine
- Computing Clinic: Memory and Color for the Timex Sinclair 1000Toni Martinazzi wants to know where to get memory and color packs for his 1000. 2068 is recommended.
- Computing Clinic: Timex Business SoftwareLetter from Robert Chesser looking for business software for his 2068.
- Cornucopia
- CorrectionsCorrections to Ski Trek (February 1984) and Decision Maker (January 1984).
- Crossed Words
- Decision Maker
- Disk Label Maker
- Egg HuntNames locations to hid easter eggs.
- Father's Day Card
- Fireplace
- First BloomProgram displays flowers. Listings for 1000 with 16k, 1500.
- From Halley's Comet to the Stars: With Astronomy Software, Your Computer's a PlanetariumCelestial BASIC (programs from Eric Burgess’ Celestial BASIC book) and Halley’s Comet, both from S&T Software, mentioned in the Software For Stargazers table on p 38.
- Ghosts In The NightMystery Manor puzzle/game for multiple platforms, including 2068.
- Holiday UpdateGenerate a message to relatives.
- How to Find a Users' Group
- How To Soup Up Your ComputerA directory of memory, video, and print enhancements to give your old machine more get-up-and-go. Vendors of Timex/Sinclair software/hardware listed.
- Ice Cream Cone
- Jack-O'-Lantern
- Learn Names Quicker!Memorization game.
- Liberty Bell
- Little Programs for Little KidsGuess a Number
- Lost in Space
- Machine Specifics: OrphansGreater Cleveland Timex Sinclair Users’ Group wishes to swap public domain programs with other user groups.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansTimex/Sinclair Disk Drives. Aerco Drive Interface for 2068 (FD-68). RPM (CP/M) upgrade available. FD-ZX (for 1000/1500) also available.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansTimex Tabloids: SyncWare News, Time Designs Magazine mentioned.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansLarken Electronics redesigned disk controller for 2068.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansTimachine, a BASIC compiler, from Novelsoft.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansHardware and software for 1000/1500 from Zebra, RMG and Markel Enterprises. Spectrum ROM from Knighted, Sprites 2068 from Zebra, ROMSWITCH from Russell Electronics.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansSoundesign 2068, available from RMG Enterprises, is menu-driven and only three keys are needed to design a sound effect, which can then be used in a BASIC program.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansTS 2068 technical manual from Time Designs.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansThree user groups in San Francisco gathering ZX81/1000s and donating them to Nevada prisons. The Guide to T/S Telecommunications, a pamplet by Steve Ishii and Peter Fischer, mentioned.
- MicronotesMention of The Fantastic Music Machine and Light Show by Simulsion.
- Money Talks - In RhymePoet uses Timex Sinclair 1000 and random numbers to write poems.
- Mother's Day Card
- Mummy Maneuvers: Jug-gling Your Way Out of An Egyptian Pyramid
- Musical ChairsProgram plays the musical part. Listings for multiple computers, including 2068.
- Name That Monster!
- New Year's Eve
- New Year's Eve
- Nibbles: Timex Sinclair ResourceTimex Sinclair User’s Encyclopedia announcement. Pub by Arrays, Inc. of Los Angeles.
- Perpetual Calendar
- Personal ValentineDesign a personalized Valentine message. Includes version for 16K 1000/1500.
- Phone Cost MonitorLong distance cost estimator.
- Portrait
- Pulse Rate
- Rad RhymerInsert your names into a nursery rhyme.
- Renegade Robot
- Santa Claus
- Ski TrekSkiing simultor. For 16K 1000/1500.
- Supermarket Sweethearts: True Love at the Checkout CounterPuzzle game.
- Thank-You Note
- The Black Mask
- The Computer: A New Tool for the GardenYard Improvement Planner, by Timex Computer Corp. for the 2068, is one of the programs mentioned.
- The Essential Guide to Timex/Sinclair Home ComputersReview of the book.
- Timex 1500 FactsBrief overview of the 1500.
- Tips on Buying Communications SoftwareZCOMM 16/64K, Byte-Back Modem, Spectra Term mentioned.
- Trick or Treat
- Turkey
- What's In Store: 30 Games for the Timex/Sinclair ComputerI used to use my Timex Sinclairs mostly for business purposes. I don’t consider myself much of a games player, and most game programs obtained from books require long and laborious typing, a process for which I don’t have (or won’t take) the time. Then along came “30 Games.” All of the games in “30…
- What's In Store: Byte-Back Modem (Timex Sinclair 1000/1500)
- What's In Store: Face OdysseyReview of program from Red Balloon Software, similar to Spinnaker’s FaceMaker.
- What's In Store: Timex Sinclair 2000Product announcement for 2048 and 2068.
- What's In Store: VU-3DReview of program.
- What's In Store: What Can I Do With My Timex Sinclair 1000? Lots!Review of the book.
- What's In Store/New Hardware: Timex Sinclair 1500Product announcement
- Your Guide to Computer BooksShort review of several Timex/Sinclair books.
- Zodiak
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