Ant AttackZX Spectrum Software review Brief review of the game, for the ZX Spectrum.
Audio-ScanTS 2068 Type-in program Program to draw a graphic representation of the audio coming in to the EAR jack.
Binaire Decimal BinaireTS 2068 Type-in program Programs to convert from binary to decimal and vice versa.
Bordure Psychedelique?TS 2068 Hardware project Short program to generate multicolor border effects.
C.M.: Attributs (Machine Code: Attributes)TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Tutorial on setting display attributes from machine language.
Caracteres AlternatifsTS 2068 Type-in program Yet another set to alternate characters.
Chequered FlagTS 2068 Software review Brief review of the racing game, from Psion, for the 2068.
CompassTS 2068 Software review Review of the BASIC compiler from JRC Software..
Entre deux octets (Between two bytes)Editorial about the issue.
Entre deux octets (Between two bytes)Editorial about the issue.
Francisation de Tasword IITS 2068 Type-in program Changes to Tasword II to support French language users.
Functions Utiles: DEF FNTS 2068 Type-in program Utility functions for programming.
Generateur de Caracteres (Character Generator)TS 2068 Type-in program Program that permits redefining UDGs on the 2068.
Hardware NewsTS 2068 Report on a light pen by Paul Donnelly, new products from Zebra, a Spectrum ROM/2068 ROM switch board.
Hardware NewsTS 2068 Larken Disk Drive controller.
Joystick (IN 31)TS 2068 Hardware project Project to create a Spectrum joystick port on a cartridge for the TS 2068.
La Page du Sinclair QL (Sinclair QL Page)QL Overview of programming languages for the Sinclair QL.
La Page du Sinclair QL (Sinclair QL Page)QL Tutorial on using the QL.
Language Machine InitiationTS 2068 Tutorial Introduction to machine language.
Le coeur du QL: Le 68008 (The heart of the QL: The 68008)QL Description of the CPU.
Le decodage du clavier du 2068 (Decoding the 2068 Keyboard)TS 2068 Tutorial Tutorial on using IN to read the 2068 keyboard.
Les Bugs du 2068 (The Bugs of the 2068)TS 2068 Describes several bugs in the 2068 ROM.
Liste: La Voix du TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program listing.
Manic MinerZX Spectrum Software review Brief review of the game, for the ZX Spectrum.
Premier Rencontre Avec Le QL (First Meeting With The QL)QL Short overview of the Sinclair QL and its features.
Program: GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program Four short programs that draw graphic designs.
Program: LDIRTS 2068 Type-in program Program demonstrates the power the LDIR machine language command.
Program: MastermindTS 2068 Type-in program Implementation of the guessing game.
Program: R-HeaderTS 2068 Type-in program Loading a program on a TS 2068 usually takes place in two parts: the header and the program/code/array. This program is a utility that allows you to read the header without loading the program.
Program: Toolkit Ultra Res 2068TS 2068 Type-in program French language version of an article about high resolution graphics extensions to TS BASIC.
Programme: BarrageTS 2068 Type-in program Drop bombs from your balloon to hit the airplanes. Joystick or keyboard.
Programme: Belle CassetteTS 2068 Type-in program This program allows you to create “cover pages” for your cassettes on your printer.
Programme: Copie de CassetteTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to make cassette copies with the 2068.
Programme: Ecran 3D (Screen 3D)TS 2068 Type-in program Create words with a 3D effect. Based on an idea by John Hunton.
Programme: Grosse LettresTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to print letters in 5 different sizes.
Programme: HEX->DEC DEC->HEXTS 2068 Type-in program Two short programs for performing hexadecimal to decimal conversions and vice versa.
Programme: La Voix Du TS2068 (The Voice of TS2068)TS 2068 Type-in program This program allows you to make your TS2068 speak without the help of any peripheral.
Programme: LOTOTS 2068 Type-in program Program to generate numbers for the 6/36 and 6/49 lotteries.
Programme: PuzzleTS 2068 Type-in program Short program for the TS2068.
Programme: SolitaireTS 2068 Type-in program BASIC listing for the card game.
Programme: Sphere 3DTS 2068 Type-in program Downloadable Short program to plot a 3D sphere.
Programme: Surface PlaneTS 2068 Type-in program Program to plot various surface planes.
Programme: TITRE 3DTS 2068 Type-in program Program to create 3D titles.
Programmes: Caracteres Alternatifs (2068)TS 2068 Type-in program Three programs for alternate characters for the TS 2068.
PsytronZX Spectrum Software review Review of the game for the ZX Spectrum.
ROMSWITCHTS 2068 Hardware review Review of the hardware product from G. Russell Electronics that lets the user switch between ZX Spectrum and TS2068 ROMs.
Sabre WulfZX Spectrum Software review Review of the game for the ZX Spectrum.
Sinclair NewsUpdates about Sinclair, the new 128K ZX Spectrum, the new QL.
Sinclair NewsNews about the Sinclair QL, Spectrum games.
Sinclair NewsTS 2068 Programming languages available for the TS 2068 (fig-Forth and Pascal), programs available over cable TV, and software available at the library.
Sinclair NewsNews of Sinclair’s potential sale to Robert Maxwell; news about the QL; and availability of the Timex Computer 2068 from Zebra Systems.
Sinclair NewsNews about SYNC and Creative Computing magazines, computer clubs in Canada.
Sinclair NewsUpdates about the Sinclair QL, software and expanding RAM on the 2068.
SoftaidZX Spectrum Software review Review of the tape for the ZX Spectrum.
Sound et Stick (Sound and Stick)TS 2068 Type-in program Techniques for using the 2068’s extra features while using a ZX Spectrum ROM in the 2068.
Sources of InformationTS 2068 Companies and newsletters.
Spectrum ROM -> 2068 ROMTS 2068 Table mapping addresses of ZX Spectrum ROM routines to their locations in the TS 2068 ROMs.
Stuff 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Short note about redirecting PRINT output to the printer with OPEN #2,”p”.
Stuff 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Custom functions for converting Microsoft BASIC LEFT$, RIGHT$, and MID$ to Sinclair BASIC.
Stuff 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Pokes for TASWORD II on the 2068.
TaswideTS 2068 Software review Review of Taswide, a program that lets programmers use the 64-column mode of the TS 2068.
Technique: Ecrire en C.M. (Write in Machine Code)TS 2068 Type-in program Machine code primer, focusing on using system RSTs to output information.
The Stuff of 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Short tips about programming the TS 2068.
Trucs and Astuces (Tips and Tricks)TS 2068 Short tips for the TS 2068.
Updates to ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program Updates to Mastermind, speech program, Hex-Loader, and large characters.
White LightningTS 2068 Software review Review of the game development program that supported 255 sprites and was programmed in FORTH.
YS MegabasicZX Spectrum Software review Review of the programming enhancements for the ZX Spectrum.
This newsletter, published in French by Real Gagnon, covered the Timex/Sinclair computers. The name is an abbreviation for Sinclair Informations Nouvelles.