SMUG Bytes
- A Commitment -- What It Takes
- A Little More on the MS DOS Emulator for the QL ComputerQL Software review
- Activating AERCO Banks for BasicTS 2068 Type-in program
- AERCO User's CornerTS 2068
- April Meeting
- At Our Last Meeting
At Our Last Meeting...Notes about the meeting.
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on MscriptTS 2068
- Bill on QLQL
- Bill on QLQL
- Bill on QL BasicQL
- Bill on QL BasicQL
- Bill on QL BasicQL
- Bill on QL BasicQL
- Burnout
- Buyer Beware: Reprint from The Hacker
- CapitalFest
- Classic Computer Fair
- Comment on Using ArtworxTS 2068
CTM pulls a big coupCTM picks up current subscription of T-S Horizons.
- Current Membership
- Current Membership
- Dave Flemming's Corner
- DigitizerTS 2068 Hardware project
- February Meeting
- For You TS2068 GamersTS 2068
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the Pres
- From the President's Desk
- Front Page ExtraQL Software review
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- GIGO Or In Otherwords The Meeting
- If You Missed the Expo
- Is This It?
- Is This It? I Guess Not!
- January Meeting
- Label ProgramQL Type-in program
- Last Minute Expo Hints and Happening
- Lemke Software
- Letters From/For U
- Local Timex/Sinclair BBSTS 2068
- Lotto Program for the QLQL Type-in program
- M/TERM Patch for AERCO Interface and PrinterTS 2068 Type-in program
- March Meeting
- Membership List
- Modifying the Star NX1000 with the AERCO Printer InterfaceTS 2068 Hardware project
- More Expo News
- More Icon FreewareTS 2068
- Multiple Copies in QUILLQL
- Multitasking on the 2068TS 2068 Type-in program
- Multitasking on the 2068 (Part 2)TS 2068 Type-in program
- My .02 Worth or .03 with InflationTS 2068
- Net on the QLQL
- New QL 'Open'QL Tutorial
- New QL ProgramQL
- New Sinclair Magazine for Desk Top PublishingTS 2068
- News from Sector Software and EnglandQL
- Paid Up Membership
- Personal DatabaseQL Type-in program
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Message
- President's Program
- President's Program
- Print Your Program in QuillQL
- Printers and QuillQL
- Programming IdeaQL Type-in program
- PumpkinTS 2068 Type-in program
Putting Headings on Video Tapes Using the ComputerUser’s thoughts on using the computer composite video to title videos.
- QL Boot ProgramQL Type-in program
- QL C: The Two VersionsQL Software review
- QL PokesQL Reference
- QL Support World WideQL
- QL-Keyboard-90QL Hardware review
- QUILL Print DriverQL
- Review of DBAddres, An Archive ProgramQL
- Review of the Cleveland Computerfest
- Review of the QL IBM EmulatorQL Software review
Rudy's SQ NotesScreen captures from the SMUG Digitizer.
- Sektor TutorialTS 2068 Tutorial
- Sinclair MagazinesTS 2068 QL
- Sinclair Northamerica Users Group
- Sinclair Vendors
- Sinclair Vendors
- Sinclair Vendors
- Sinclair Vendors
- SMUG Bytes Salutes Time Designs
SMUG Bytes Tries Something NewQL Newsletter produced with Quill on the QL.
- Some Editorial Comments
- Some Editorial Comments
- Some Expo News
- Some Not So New ProgramsQL
- Some Pertinent Facts Regarding the Expo
- Speakers Needed For the Expo, How About You?
- Special Notice to 1991 Members
- Special Notice to 1991 Members
- SpellboundQL
- Spellchecker ProblemsQL
- SQ Notes: BiorhythmsTS 2068 Reference Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Checkbook and Budget Manager, Part 1TS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Checkbook and Budget Manager, Part 2TS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Checkbook and Budget Manager, Part 3TS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Checkbook and Budget Manager, Part 4TS 2068
- SQ Notes: CP/MTS 2068 Tutorial
- SQ Notes: Disk LibraryTS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Disk Library ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Disk Recover ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Disk Recover Program 1.3TS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: DIY ROM SwitchTS 2068 Hardware project
- SQ Notes: FunctionsTS 2068 Reference Type-in program
- SQ Notes: INPUTTS 2068 Reference
- SQ Notes: Lotto ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Lotto Program (corrected)TS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: Math FunctionsTS 2068 Reference
- SQ Notes: QL to IBM RGB ConnectionsQL Hardware project
- SQ Notes: SNUG Letter
- SQ Notes: Terminal ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program
- SQ Notes: VU-Calc ImprovementsTS 2068 Type-in program
- Thank You Speakers
- Thanks to Donors
- The 1989 Capitalfest
- The 1990 Sinclair Fest
- The 1990 Sinclair Fest
- The 1990 Sinclair Fest
- The DigitizerTS 2068 Hardware project
- The DigitizerTS 2068 Hardware project
- The DigitizerTS 2068 Hardware project
- The Digitizer and A Problem Found: Notes from MartyTS 2068 Hardware project
- The Digitizer and What's HappeningTS 2068 Hardware project
- The Digitizer and What's HappeningTS 2068 Hardware review
- The Latest from SNUG
- The PC8300 ComputerHardware review
- The President's Program
- The QL on NetQL
- The Real ThingTS 2068
The RGB to NTSC Converter In Other Words Rock Solid VideoTS 2068 Hardware project Converter using LM1377, from article in December 1989 issue of Radio Electronics.
- Total By State of Sinclair Users
- Treasurer: Tricky Dick
- TS-2068/QL TipsTS 2068 QL
TS2068 DigitizerTS 2068 Hardware project The club is selling digitizer boards. – For one assembled, tested and shipped the cost will be $49.95 + $3 shipping and handling. If you only want the bare board it will be $19.95 + $3 s&h. The board has a leading edge connector and is ready for a mother board. If you want a…
- TS2068 TipsTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 UtilitiesTS 2068 Type-in program
- TS2068 UtilitiesTS 2068 Type-in program
- War GamesTS 2068 Software review
- What You Missed at the December Meeting
- What's Up With Quantum Computing? Can You Get Your Money Back?QL
- Who's Who and What's What! The Election
Publisher: Sinclair Milwaukee Users Group (SMUG)