- A Machine Code Sprite for the ZX81/TS1000Machine code routine that gives a programmer access to one sprite. The sprite can be any size and can move in eight directions.
- A Power Supply for Your Cassette RecorderA use for the extra output winding on the transformers supplied with surplus 2040 printers.
- A Word Processor for the T/S 1000?
- Account BalanceProgram to make sense of the various charges on a credit card bill.
- Acey-DuceySimple, card-based gambling game.
- Active User GroupsGroups still supporting Timex/Sinclair users.
- Active Users Groups
- Address UpdateNew address for Mike Rhees and brief review of Type 2068, his word processing program.
- Another UseAdapting a label-making program to create article headers.
- Baton - Clear TextRoutine to simulate a “spinning baton” that clears lines of text.
- Binary DemoProgram to teach binary math.
- Bridge Anyone?Review of Bridge Tutor (Beginners) and Bridge Tutor (Advanced), both ZX Spectrum programs.
- Caveat EmptorInformation about the QL gleaned from UK magazines.
- Chequered FlagReview of auto racing simulation game, translated from the ZX Spectrum version.
- Color Video on a Black and White Video Display?Software package and filter that creates color through persistence of vision effects.
- Comlink I
- Conversational French
- ConvertProgram to convert various units.
- Curve Fitting
- Dan Ross FansShort snippet from Electronic News, October 15, 1984: Atlanta – Daniel D. Ross, the former vice-president of Timex’s now-defunct computer products operation, has joined a venture capital firm here, Advanced Technology Development fund, as a general partner. Mr. Ross stepped down from his former post at timex last December, just prior to the firms’ exit…
- Football Manager
- FourthReview of Abersoft 2068 Forth.
- From the Editor's DeskNews about the newsletter and this tidbit: Rumor has that Sinclair was looking at G Russel Electronic’s ROMSWITCH. Bill Russel could not shed light on why this might be, but in light of the fact that Sinclair wants to come back into the US with it’s computers, this may be а silent approval of Bill’s…
- From the Editor's DeskConcern about other newsletters copying material without attribution. Peeks and pokes for the 2068. Notes about other newsletters.
- From the Editors Desk
- From the Editors Desk
- Golf Scorecard
- Golfing WorldReview of a golfing simulation program, converted for the TS 2068.
- Grader for the TS2068 and TS1000Reply to review of his programs in prior issue of the club newsletter.
- Groucho: A Graphic Adventure for the SpectrumReview of a game where the goal was to guess the name of star. One winner would be flown to Hollywood to meet the star.
- InterestInterest calculator program.
- Is Anyone Out There Still Selling Great Software for the ZX81, TS1000, TS1500?Brief descriptions of programs available from Biocal Software.
- Letter from the Editor
- Letter from the Editor
- Letter from the EditorNew editor, Robert Heil, introduces himself.
- Letter from the Editor's Desk
- Letters to the EditorLetters about newsletters, programming techniques.
- Lunar Eclipse
- Magazine Program ModificationPatch to calendar program that appeared in the January 1985 Family Computing. Patch allows for printing calendars.
- Making 2068 Back-ups on the A & J Microdrive
- Math ZapProgram teach math functions.
- Mini Watson InterfaceProgram implements electrical formulas with user-friendly interface.
- Modem InformationAnnouncement of availability direct from Westridge.
- Now You Can Draw on the Screen with a Panda PadBased on the Koala Pad, Zebra Systems’ Panda Pad lets you draw on the TS1000 and TS2068.
- Number MasterGuess the number game similar to Mastermind.
- Order FormProgram to generate printed order forms.
- Paint or Paint II, an updateUpdate to VIDIOM by Phil Doughty.
- PAINT!Simple paint program for the ZX81/TS1000.
- Pinball WizardReview of Pinball Wizard, a ZX Spectrum program.
- Print Darker with Your 2040 and T/S 2068 ComputerMachine language routine to print bold on the 2040.
- QL Drive FormatterShort program to format QL tapes.
- Quickie CheckbookProgram to balance a checking account.
- Review of "Grader" For the 2068Review of the program by Robert Fisher.
- Scrolling
- Softball StatsProgram to track player and game statistics.
- SpectextReview of a word processor for the Spectrum.
- Spectrum Plus Now Sold Here By a Third Party: Portuguese T/S 2068 Rumors TrueBob Dyl, of English Micro Connection, is importing the Portuguese TC 2068. Reprinted from Hampton Roads T/S User Group Newsletter.
- Squirm
- Super VariableUsing string variables as arrays.
- Surviving Without TimexList of vendors.
- Surviving Without TimexVendor listing.
- Surviving Without TimexList of vendors supporting Timex/Sinclair users.
- Synapse!Program prints the newsletter name in UDGs.
- T/S ConnectionLetter from Jack re his company and the Timex repair facility in Little Rock.
- TelecomputingDescribes how to get online and what equipment is required.
- The Mid-West TS Computer FestThe Mid-West TS Computer Fest was held on May 3rd and 4th at the Ramada Inn in Cincinnati, Ohio. I believe I was the only attendee from Central PA. Bill and Gerry Russell were there from Russell Electronics but they are TS dealers. The Computer Fest was a huge success with over 358 attendees and…
- The New Sinclair QL ComputerReport on computer features based on the QL User’s Guide.
- The TS2068 and Word ProcessingOverview of options, including MSCRIPT, Tasword and connecting a full-size printer.
- TracerDescription of a 2 arm digitizing tablet for the ZX Spectrum.
- Try This Program on Your TS2068
- Wherefore the DATA StatementMimicking READ/DATA/RESTORE on the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- You Can Do It! Program WritingProgramming tutorial.
- Z80 Extra Op CodesOp codes for machine language programmers. Reprinted from T-S Horizons n12.
- ZXLR8 Part I: ZXLR8 DifficultiesSuggestions for challenges in using ZXLR8.
- ZXLR8 Part II: ZXLR8 as a Word ProcessorHow to use the program as an ersatz word processor, copying a screen at a time to the printer.
- ZXLR8 Part III: TS1500 & INBYTEModifying the program to work with the TS1500 and Hunter board.
- ZXLR8 Part IV: Modifications and CorrectionsFixes for bugs in the program.
Publisher: Central Pennsylvania ZX/TS Users Group
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