The Sinc Times (2)
Publisher: Northeast Florida Timex/Sinclair Users Group
There were two newsletters called The Sinc Times. This one is the newsletter of the Northeast Florida Timex/Sinclair Users Group.
A Sinclair QL Programmer's ComparisonQL Hardware review For MS-DOS programmers that never programmed on a Sinclair QL.
Alternative Computer Languages for the ZX81: Compiled BASICTS 1000 Introduction to advantages of compiled BASIC and MCODER.
Alternative Computer Languages for the ZX81: FORTHTS 1000 Description/introduction to Forth and short review of ZX Forth.
Alternative Computer Languages for the ZX81: LOGOTS 1000 Description/introduction to LOGO and short review of Tiny Logo.
Alternative Computer Languages for the ZX81: Partial PascalTS 1000 Description of Pascal and introduction to Semper Software’s Partial Pascal.
Book Review: Taking the Quantum LeapQL Book review Review of Mike de Sosa’s book.
Bud's MudTS 1000 TS 2068 Series of articles about programming.
Bud's MudContinues discussing checksums and Stan Lemke’s CK Type.
Bud's MudContinuing article in programming.
Bud's MudDiscussion of checksum programs.
Bud's MudDiscussion of checksum programs as a program type-in aid.
Computers for FinancesTS 2068 Type-in program Short program to calculate loan payments.
CP/M CornerTS 2068 Column for CP/M and AERCO RP/M users.
CP/M CornerTS 2068 Listing of CP/M commands, continued from article in previous issue.
EditorialWelcome to the first issue of the user group’s newsletter.
EditorialOverview of the TS scene and the issue.
EditorialUser group news; Winterfest announcement.
Engineering ApplicationsIntroduction to writing a program to implement the Hazen/Williams formula for calculating water flow in pipe.
Engineering Applications: Water Flow in PipesTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Program to calculate water flow variables using the Hazen/Williams formula.
First Impressions of the QL, Part 2QL One user’s experience with the computer.
First Impressions of the QL, Part 3QL Continues reviewing experiences with the computer.
GAMESMATE FixTS 2068 Hardware project Fix the minimally-decoded Kempston adapter to with more limited IO range. Only one address line (A5) is decoded in the Kempston; this fix adds A6 and A7 to limit its range of IO ports.
Home Security Alarm for TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program and connection instructions for a security alarm.
- Larken Disk System Review, Part 1TS 2068 Hardware review
Math for the 2068 - Trig 2TS 2068 Type-in program Short program to demonstrate trigonometric functions.
ModemsContinues discussing modems and online services.
ModemsDiscussion of modems and online services.
Musical Christmas with TS 2068TS 2068 Type-in program Three Christmas songs as performed by the TS 2068.
News You Can UseTS 1000 TS 2068 Programming hints and tips for TS 1000 and TS 2068 users.
Newsletter ReviewReview of Update Magazine, published by Bill Jones.
Oliger Disc Drive System, Part 2TS 2068 Hardware review Review of the system.
Reprint of SizebaseQL Type-in program Reprinted from the first issue.
RLE GraphicsTS 2068 Introduction to the file format, explanation of where to find and view them. Jack Dohany has written an encoder/decoder program.
Star Spangled BannerTS 2068 Type-in program Program to display the flag and play the song.
Stray BytesShort news bits.
Sunstate T/S Winterfest '88Notice of upcoming meeting, listing vendors and activities.
Sunstate Timex/Sinclair Winterfest '88 UpdateAnnouncement of the event, held March 4-6, 1988 in Orlando, Fla. Organized by the Northeast Florida T/S Users Group.
T/S News to UseTS 2068 Tips and updates for TS owners.
TS 1000 Machine Code ProgrammingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Introduction from a new machine language programmer.
TS 2068 Beginner/Intermediate Guide Book ReportTS 2068 Book review Short review of the book.
TS News to UseTS 1000 TS 2068 Tips for users and programmers.
TS1000 Book ReportTS 1000 Book review Short review of Timex Sinclair BASIC Primer with Graphics by Waite and Chapnick.
Un-Interruptible Power SupplyHardware project Short article and schematic for UPS.