Timex Sinclair Users Group Mile High Chapter Newsletter
- Adding a Monitor to Your Video Output
- Andy and Jeff's Adventures in OhioIt was on Wednesday the 24th of August that Andy Hradesky called with the news that his ’74 Fiat X1/6 Bertone would be ready. Ready, that is to take the one thousand one hundred and eleven mile trip to Dayton, Ohio – and back again! The occasion being of course, a computer festival, (COMPUTERFEST ’91…
- August MHTSUG Meeting
- Design Maker
- Mail Received
- Mile High Timex Sinclair Users Group News
- Mile High Timex Sinclair Users Group News
- Mile High TSUG News
- Misc Notes: Monitor Problems
- OS-64 Bug
- Pro/File 2068 + OS-64
- Profile +5 for the 2068
- Tape Unlocker
- The 2068 Video DigitizerLast month tried to show what can be done with the Digitizer circuit and two sources of software to run it. Every software program, (among all else in this world), has limitations, and the writer also had limitations to work with when developing the software, so we as the end user must make the most…
- The 2068 Video DigitizerA single board plugged into the 2068 expansion port can digitize and store any standard video image. Additionally the stored image can be changed in many ways, then saved to tape or disc, printed out on your printer or just viewed on the screen. The original circuit drawing and design notes appeared in SINC-LINC January/February…
- The 2068 Video DigitizerThe digitizer circuit has been around for many years even though many new software and hardware upgrades are just being introduced. I have observed that the Original articles appeared in 1987 SYNC-LINK (Jan/Feb and Mar/Apr), the Toronto Timex Sinclair Users Group newsletter. I purchased just the bare board a couple of years ago and could…
- TOS Modification Help Request
- Updates from Newsletters
- Updates from Newsletters
- Updates from Newsletters
- ZX-Term*80 Modification for Use With MichTron BBS Program
Publisher: Mile High Timex Sinclair User Group
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