Timex Sinclair Users Group Of Cincinnati Newsletter


  • Autolist dialer
    Program derived from Randy Kuhn’s modem control from BASIC. Dials up to 100 numbers.
  • Corrections to Copytape Program
    One bug appeared in the COPYTAPE program. Also provided is a BASIC loader program to load/save the COPYTAPE program.
  • Corrections to the TS 2068 Technical Manual
  • Does QL Stand for Quite Late?
  • Feb News from the T/S Connection
    Target date for the 2068 disk interface is February 20 (1985). Z-Link is available. Review of Spec-Tax. Draw II, by Jon Rokententz, reviewed in March issue of Computer Shopper and available from T/S Connection.
  • From Newsletters Around the World
    The “sizzle” on some 1500s and 2068s is from an isolation tranformer magnetic core halves. Recommended solution is to superglue the halves together. Program to produce a darker display that in turn will produce a darker print when using COPY.
  • From the Project Table
    Interfacing an Atari trackball to the 2068.
  • Latest News from SUM
    Portugal is going to start shipping a version of the 2068 called the Silver Avenger.
  • March News from The T/S Connection
    T/S Connection “received just about everything from Little Rock” [the Timex repair facility]. Calls to Timex computer department in Connecticut and Arkansas redirect caller to T/S Connection for repairs or service.
  • Mass Storage for the TS-2068
    List of mass storage options, including: ZX-Microdrive, A&J Microdrive, DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive, AERCO 2068 disk system and RAMEX Millenia K interface.
  • November News from The T/S Connection
    AERCO disk interface should be ready; new printer interface for 1000. No news on Higgenbottom/Timex. K-Power, sent as replacement for Timex Sinclair User subscriptions, ceased publication.
  • October News from The T/S Connection
    AERCO has set target date of Oct. 30 (1985) for completion of 2068 drive interface. Smart II terminal program arrived.
  • Outlook Bright?
    One recent evening, I arrived home to find a rather thick envelope from a company called Ramex. Inside was a number of pieces of advertising for add-on products to the Timex 2068 computer.
  • President's Report
  • President's Report
    Notes about forming the Timex Sinclair Users Group of Cincinnati.
  • President's Report
  • President's Report
    Paid membership: 50; meeting attendance 20-30 members.
  • Response from Timex on T/S 2068
    Response about an issue with the 2068. A “Timex engineer admitted that the problem was in the custom chip, and that only a redesign would cure the problem. The problem apparently stems from the different scan rates between U.K. and U.S. TV sets.”
  • Secretary's Report
  • Secretary's Report
  • September News from The T/S Connection
    Stu Lotwin passed away. Update on David Higgenbottom’s talks with Timex.
  • Sinclair Chasing BBC Contract
  • Smartips
    Tips for using Smarterm II.
  • Softwares Buyers Guide
    List of programs and their types; more than 200 programs offered by at least 30 suppliers. Author offered copies of the VU-File database to readers.
    Condensed and edited version of article that appeared in the January and February (1985) issues of Sinclair User.
  • T/S 2068 -- Spectrum
    Three devices to allow TS 2068 to run Spectrum programs: Spectrum ROM available from Foote Software; ROMSWITCH from G. Russell Electronics and EMU-1 from Enter Lingua.
  • T/S 2068 Tape Copy Utility
    This machine language program can be used to copy programs, arrays, screens, and code from one tape to another. The program copies the entire program, array, etc into memory; and then writes it to the output tape. The program is designed to use two parallel control ports to start/stop both the input and output cassette
  • T/S Hostel System
    Attempt to set up a hostel system for Timex/Sinclair fans.
  • Taming the Bug in VU-Calc T/S 2068
    Add a CLEAR statement to fix a memory allocation problem.
  • The Unknown Programmer
    Short program to draw mountains; two line sound program.
  • The Unknown Programmer
    Very short programs.
  • Timex-Sinclair Publications
    Brief descriptions of T-S Horizons, SUM and Time Designs.
  • USR 832
    Save and load protected programs. A little known trick (first described in Syntax) that will load protected programs. Instead of using the normal LOAD “name” comand, use a USR call.
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