TS Bulletin
- Amateur Programmer's LineAmateur programming with home computers has become more of a niche activity.
- Amateur Programmers' LineRuminations on amateur programming in light of advancing technology.
- American Micro Systems catalogQL and Z88 hardware and software available.
- BOSTUG, TSUG has mutatedClosing down as a special interest group; restarting as New England QL User Group.
- Bugs, Fixes & What You Can and Can't Do (Maybe)User group in Ohio working on project to interface Commodore 1541 disk drive to TS 2068.
- Computer Shopper discontinues articlesHad published articles about Commodore 64, Sinclair, TI, Atari 8-bits.
- Congratulations to Toronto Timex-Sinclair clubClub continues to support TS 2068 and Larken DOS users.
- Disk LibraryTS 2068 disk utilities program available from RA Hilsman in Menomonee Falls, WI.
- Donald Lambert reports his ZX-81 LDOS disk system upFix for mating LDOS with Tandon disk drives. Also working on a custom ZX-81 for controller applications, developed with Mike LeDuc.
- Experiment with wordprocessingAlso working on implementing a machine language compression algorithm.
- Fix for Timemachine BASIC CompilerFix printed in August 1989 CATS and Dec 1989 Timelinez newsletters.
- Larken ElectronicsOriginal designers of ZX81/TS 1000 LDOS and TS 2068 LKDOS turning attention to computer-controlled shaper/router/plotter, driven by IBM PC compatible. Software originally written in Pascal on TS 2068.
- Magazine NewsSyncWare News lost approximately $5,000 before going out of circulation.
- Mailing List ChangesUpdates to contacts for groups in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
- Mailing list updatesDec 1989 issues was final newsletter and notice of dissolution of Harrisburgh Area TSUG.
- Mark Yost working on deal to buy out-of-business stockWide variety of TS 1000 and TS 2068 tapes may be available.
- Maxcom TS2068 BBS system for LKDOSBBS software available from RMG. Larry Kenny working on desktop publishing system and is PC-based marketing plotter, engraver, router/miller.
- MScript upgraded to 5.5
- News for this yearMacintosh and NeXT emulators being readied. Author working on several self-published books about ZX81/TS 1000 computers. Local group developing simple compiler.
- News from SNUGDue to illness and personal situations, work on newsletter is delayed. Seeking donations for public domain library.
- News of a Local NatureOttawa-Hull Timex-Sinclair User Group continued to meet.
- Newsletter hardware articlesTrend is shifting to Z88 and QL modifications.
- Newsletters and ClubsUpdate on Vancouver TSUG, where Wilf Rigter has contributed a number of technical articles. New addresses for other groups, notices of user groups disbanding or discontinuing newsletters.
- Ottawa-Hull TSUG meetingExchange of experiences in Pascal programming; Dave Solly using HiSoft Pascal on TS 2068.
- Pixel Print Plus (ver 4) releasedIndiana Timex Sinclair User reports program was almost finished when Stan Lemke, the author, exited market. Steven Spalding of Sting Graphics completed program.
- Published-Program Survey of NewslettersList of programs appearing in user group newsletters in late 1989.
- Sincus runs list of TS2068 ROM routinesSource released for non-commercial use.
- Supplier FileUpdates on contact information for software, hardware and documentation.
- SuppliersUpdates on Larken Electronics, RMG, Update Magazine, EMSoft, John McMichael, Byte Power.
- Time Designs Magazine v5 n2 issued
- TreeForthSource code for TreeFORTH (a ROMable, TS1000, slightly non-standard FORTH) has been released for non-commercial use by author Bob Alsum.
- TS1000's still availableGary Young in Iowa has working and non-working units, RAM packs and software.
- Useful Sinclair Programmer Notes (On Telephone Nos.)Hints on how to store a telephone number in three bytes (encoded) versus seven bytes.
- Using an audio transformer as cassette load aidArticle appeared in August-December 1989 issue of CRAGIST.
- ZX-81/TS1000 TipsUsing the CODE function instead of numbers to save bytes; saving space with DIMensioned variables.
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