Grimm’s Fairy Trails is a Pac-Man takeoff with six speed variations. By pressing the arrow keys, you control the movements of Prince Billy, who is being pursued by two dwellers, Murph and Drago. To finally defeat them, you must move about the maze collecting dots to get 250 B-Lers (life crystals) to make the maze dormant. If you touch either Maze Dweller then it is game over but in the center of the maze is the Sacred Stone of Ross which awards you an extra life, once per game. There are six levels of play to choose from (1-6) from Poison Apple to Super Prince.
The characters and items are named after his colleagues at Timex Computer Corporation: Billy Skyrme (director), Bob Behler (engineering), Carlos Dragovich (production), Margot Murphy (marketing) and Dan Ross (VP).
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