Joystick Adaptor

Platform(s): TS 1000
Model: C120
Date: 1983
Price: $19.95
Rarity: uncommon

Connect Atari compatible joystick to the ZX81/TS 1000. Plugs into back of computer; expansion connector for other peripherals. Instructions for patching popular games. Uses port 1Dh.

Program to read and display joystick values
1 REM 123456789
2 POKE 16514,219    ; IN A,[1Dh]
3 POKE 16515,29     ;
4 POKE 16516,47     ; CPL
5 POKE 16517,230    ; AND A,1Fh
6 POKE 16518,31     ;
7 POKE 16519,6      ; LD B,0
8 POKE 16520,0      ;
9 POKE 16521,79     ; LD C,A
10 POKE 16522,201   ; RET
20 PRINT USR 16514



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