A. Parsons

23 Coxhill Gdns, River, Dover, Kent U.K. CT17 0PX


Six programs. Word Sums: Invites you to add amounts shown in words, not figures. Areas: Gives the pupil exercises in working out areas and perimeters with guidance if required. Translation program for English and French words. An English vocabulary test. Two versions of the very popular Hangman. 16K.
TS 1000
Learn spellings, add in hours and minutes, price quantities of groceries or give change. Plus four function sums with whole figure answers and score. Plus tables. 1K.
Six programs: Noughts and Crosses, Battleships and Board Game. Sketch Pad: Allows the user to draw a picture, copy it if a printer is connected, record it to play again, and watch it re-draw the picture. Plus two fascinating pattern generators. 16K.
TS 1000
A war game played over the map of Europe for one or two players. Players choose when to attack. Graphics show the map, areas won and lost, and the electronic dice. All 24 lines of display are used. Tape also includes: Cat and Mouse, Maze, and Spy Run. 16K.
TS 1000
A variety of general knowledge tests: Famous People Quiz, Name the Person, and Where About? Also Dates: Choose the correct date of a historical event. Plus Plurals: Spell correctly the plural of the word printed on the screen. 16K.
TS 1000
Seven programs: The student has to find towns in the UK or Europe with a series of five maps drawn on the screen. The maps are of Europe, UK, Southern England, South East England and South West England. There is a Town and Country naming program and an English Towns Hangman. 16K.
TS 1000
In response to requests from teachers, this tape has 3 competitive programs for Maths Practice, Plus Bridge Maths, 4 Function Practice, each right answer builds another strut of the bridge; if not completed in 15 tries it falls down. Plus volumes; plus Big Maths, large figures for group use. 16K.
TS 1000
Keep records of 400 lines of stock, quantities of up to 255 cost and selling prices of up to $655. Stock levels adjust as subs are entered, Prints stock tickets and full stock list. 16K.
TS 1000
Keeps records of up to 15 columns, user-defined either credit or debit, 400 entries can be made with date and detail shown. Balance readily accessible. Full accounts can be printed. Plus address book for 110 names and addresses. Search by name, category number, town, street, even part of a name and print mailing labels. 16K.
TS 1000


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