BASICare Microsystems, Inc.

5 Dryden Ct., London SE11 4NH United Kingdom


This modular system was designed to expand a ZX81, TS 1000 or TS 1500 computer into machine capable of handling advanced applications. The cornerstone is the PERSONA, a module that is the interface between the computer and the other modules. With the PERSONA and other modules, the TS 1000 could be expanded to one megabyte
TS 1000
DROM stands for Development Read Only Memory. This module can have up to 8K of RAM, via plug-on 2K RAM chips. The memory is backed by rechargeable battery for non-volatile storage of programs and data. Behaves as normal read/write RAM when the computer is in use. Individual 2K blocks can be protected against overwriting. DROM
TS 1000
A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Memory mapping device to expand address space from 64K bytes to 1 megabyte. Organized into vertical 64K pages. Up to 16 pages can be supported. All memory can be dynamically defined from within a program, allowing (for example) a program in one segment to manipulate the contents of various data segments. A module in the
TS 1000
General purpose, user-programmable 24 lines of input/output. Up to 4 PERICONa can be used together. Up to four can be used simultaneously allowing basic I/O, strobed I/O, and bidirectional 8 bit data transfer with handshakes. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
24 lines of heavy duty output to access and control the outside world. Lines are capable of operating relays or driving long signal lines. Up to 4 can be used. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Centronics printer interface. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
The PERSONA is the base module of the BASICare Modular Expansion System, interfacing to other modules. It buffers all the signals from the expansion port via a ribbon cable. It connects to other modules via a 64-way Organic Bus, configured to fit into the ZX81/TS1000 memory map. Gladstone Electronics planned to introduce a PERSONA module
TS 1000
Low cost memory expandable from 2K to 8K. Located in an address space not used by BASIC. Ideal for data or machine coded routine shared by second program. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
16K memory module. On-board address decoding permits simultaneous use of many RAM 16 modules in conjunction with Minimap. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Arranged in 4 blocks of 16K; all can be used under MINIMAP control. On board address decoding allows simultaneous use of many modules with MINIMAP. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Three-voice, AY-3-8910 sound-chip based module with stereo option. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Uses up to four 2K EPROMs. Address space after on-board ROM. Allows calling TOOLKIT-held routines with USR function. Several TOOLKIT modules can be used under MINIMAP. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
User defined characters for use with DROM or RAM 08. Define a set of 128 characters. Characters can be stored in EPROM by using TOOLKIT. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000


  • Letters
    Letters from Ray Norton about BASICare modules.
  • More Hardware: BASICare
    Review of BASICare by Microsystem Ltd.
  • Resources (Sync v2 n6)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Timex at the Heart of the Kidney
    Medi Products of Salt Lake City built a system to reclean and resterilize artificial kidneys around a TS1000 with a Votem, Persona, Periconb and a special keyboard from Sinclair Place. The computer completely controls all processes under EPROM software direction.



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