Brown Cottage Industries
5486 Bright Hawk Court, Columbia, MD 21045
Stay on top of libraries, magazines, record collections. Cross-reference material by subject(s), title, date, author/artist, etc Splits to create multiple programs as material grows. 16K.
TS 1000
End erasures, smudges. Display and solve crossword puzzles on your TV screen. 16K.
TS 1000
For solving cryptograms. Lists original cryptogram and changes together on the screen. Performs character count. 2K or 16K.
TS 1000
Fast action maze game. Intelligent crocodiles (kroks) pursue you through 140 rooms and a 35 room basement in your quest for gold and other treasures, including a sword to kill the kroks. Monkeys, snakes, bats, spiders as well as kroks attack. Single key instant commands; 3 speeds. 16K. A limited version was available for 2K.
TS 1000
Ultimate nonviolent computer hide-and-seek game. Noah must find 52 animals that may be hiding in more than 7000 bytes of graphics and bring them to the ark before the flood. Highlights: 4-way scrolling, animals that follow, a flowing river, continuous graphics, single key commands. 16K.
TS 1000
More than 20 years NFL experience packed into this point-spread computing program. Factors in injuries, weather, field, rivalries Updated after every game. 16K.
TS 1000
Space saga among the stars. Shoot down flying saucers, explore unknown worlds, locate and find your way through a ghost ship. Inverted graphics create night-time sky. 4-way scrolling, high speed space travel, saucer shoots, continuous graphics, single key commands. 16K.
TS 1000
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