Jon T. Passler

344 Cabot St, Beverly, MA 01915


Graphics program; 22×27 world; half second between displays. 1K.


  • Dear Editor
    Semantics about baud vs bits per second; keyboard conversions; solving heat build-up; Timex modem compatibility with ZX80; renumbering program; conversion to ASCII; install RAM pack inside ZX81; interface Selectric typewriter.
  • DEF on the Sinclair
    One way around DEFine in Sinclair Basic is to replace all FN calls with the expression in the definition. This often requires breaking down an equation to simplify it.
  • Defensive Awari
    Improvements to author’s program.
  • Fifteen Puzzle
    8K ROM version of game published in earlier issue.
  • Just for Fun
    Renumbering by a USR Routine; Sweeper; Ed, the Head.
  • Just For fun
    Mousetrap; Unvader; Draw and Store; Number Nine; Eliminator
  • Letters
    REM on the 4K ROM; Mini-Billboard for 8K ROM; “Bar Charts” and Rubber Cement; Splitting Strings; Short Video Cable; The 5-6 Seconds of Silence.
  • Linear Regression
    Computes the linear relationship between two sets of variables, expressed as the linear regression equation, and calculates the coefficient of determination, an indicator of the strength of the relationship. Given a set of two variables labelled X and Y, the program will yield an equation describing Y as a function of X.
  • Resources (Sync v1 n5)
    Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
  • Rounding off Routine
    The 8K ROM’s floating point decimal is great, but sometimes you don’t need 9 decimal places.
  • Search and Replace Routines
    The routines in are designed to search through a program and replace all occurrences of one character or keyword with another (keywords are represented with one byte, too). The routines can all be entered directly from the keyboard into a 1 REM line.
  • Setting Up Bar Charts
    This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.
  • Setting Up Bar Charts
    This program listed works with 1K to chart two years of monthly checking account balances with vertical bars. The graph is set up for a range of $0 to $1500, but can be modified for other ranges with a few changes and some trial-and-error experimentation.


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